Event Guidelines

Welcome 2023 Volunteers!

Thank you so much for your generosity and assistance in helping our organization reach kids in need within our Douglas County communities this year.  We know that Christmas is a special time for children and we try to do everything we can to ensure that they receive assistance during the holiday season.

The following information will also be handed out to every volunteer who shows up to our shopping event!

NOTE: We ask that there is one adult for every two shoppers 14 years of age and under to provide assistance in the guidelines below


  • Spend $90.00 per child (approximately $50.00 on clothing items and $40.00 on non-clothing items).
  • Please don’t write on or tear apart the intake forms. (These forms show the child(ren)’s pant/shirt/shoe sizes, as well as needs/interest/wishes)
  • Use the price on the tags in your calculations.
  • However feel free to utilize any discounts available (buy one-get one, 40% off, etc).
  • If you get the extra items for another child in the family-let the baggers/cashiers know, as they will be totaling for the whole family.
  • Small filler items- please no consumables (i.e. candy, gum or food).
  • Toothbrushes, small books and socks are always a good choice.
  • No items with a PG rating and above or weapons of any kind are allowed.
  • No gift cards are to purchased.
  • Keep each child’s items together.  We will bag each child’s gifts as they come through the register.
  • As much as possible, please try to purchase the same number of presents for each child in the family.
  • At the register, do not use the “total” price seen on the register to gather more items. The cashier will ring up a total amount for all the kids in the family and we receive additional discounts that we use to provide for more children.

As you are shopping, bagging, and/or delivering with our organization, please remember that the information you have in your hands is extremely confidential.  Our vision is not to judge or to ask why a family is in need; our vision is only to help provide a happier Christmas for the children of our communities.  Please respect the families’ privacy and our organization’s goal to provide for those having a tough year by not sharing any of the information you receive with others.

We realize that you may recognize some of the children but please remember that the gifts we provide and the visits from Santa and Mrs. Claus are often a surprise.  By being sensitive and caring, we can continue to provide many children with a Christmas where there may not have been one without our support.

Please feel free to visit our “Contact Us” page and send us an email with any questions or comments!